Keith Maslen — Was Samuel Richardson a Closet Jacobite?
- Ian Morrison — A Description of a Voyage: The ‘Allport’ Copy of STC 15193
- B. J. McMullin and Carlo Dumontet — Small Volumes and Format: Le Nain
- Nicholas A. Sparks — An Unrecorded Issue of An Account of the
Mutinous Seizure of the Bounty 1791 - Rachel Franks — Review essay: Roguery in Print: Crime and
Culture in Early Modern London (Leoni Liapi) - Reviews — Priests and their Books in Late Anglo-Saxon England (Shane P. Carmody); Renaissance Illuminators in Paris: Artists and Artisans 1500–1715 (Anna Welch); Sixteenth-Century Readers, Fifteenth-Century Books: Continuities of Reading in the English Reformation (Hilary Maddocks); Religion around John Donne (Alice Capstick); The
People’s Cuisine: Origins of Australia’s Cookery (Ian Morrison)